Monday, August 8, 2011

Respone to The Money Plant

My classmate B Lindsey, wrote an article called The Money Plant.  The article argues that marijuana should be legalized so that taxes can be collected on it to help close the gap in 2012-2013.  Yes many people do use marijuana even though it is illegal.  Those users are certainly going to keep using it if it is legalized and most likely more people will begin to use it.  Yes if it was legalized it would help cut down on drug trafficking and crime, but what about the other side effects of marijuana.
In case people didn’t know marijuana is still and always will be a drug, even if it is legalized.  Yes it can help with some illnesses but what about the people who use it and don’t have anything wrong with them.  Marijuana has a negative effect on the body because it is a foreign substance.  It causes short term memory loss, increased heart rate, which can lead to heart problems in the future, and trouble forming conception.  Also marijuana can affect the hormone levels in both male and female users which can lead to problems with reproduction.  Also in 2010 the National Institute on Drug Abuse a study showed that men who use marijuana have an increased risk of developing testicular cancer.  So in some ways legalizing marijuana has a give and take aspect.

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