Friday, July 29, 2011

Response to Education

A classmate of mine, Graham, thinks that Texas needs to spend more on education, which I also think is something that needs to be done.  He feels that the money should be redistributed in a different way than it is now and I would also have to agree with him on that. Money goes to paying teachers, which is definately priority number one, and things such as supplies, building up keep and other school related business.  He feels that somehow money should be given to fund more college scholarships which I feel is a valid point.

 Many kids can't afford to go to college and they realize that during high school and decide to go ahead and start working as soon as they graduate whether that is something they want to do or not.  I was on the verge of going straight to work when I graduated high school because my family was not able to afford college at the time, but a lucky break with large construction job changed that for the time being, so now working and saving up for my remaining years is the track I'm on.  However my friend wasn't as lucky.  His family wasn't able to afford college so it was off to work for him.  If money was redirected to scholarships it would need to go strictly to academic scholarships and scholarships for the less financially fortunate, and not athletic scholarships.  I think this should be done because if students want to continue their education money shouldn't be the thing that holds them back.  I think that the more people who have the opportunity to further their education will only help the future of society because it gives them the chance to get a better job to then put their children through college and so on and so forth.  That is why I have to agree with Graham.

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